Monday, March 28, 2011


Finally had the chance last week to sit down and flip through Emmanuelle Alt's much anticipated debut issue of Vogue Paris. My thoughts? Neither hate it nor love it.  However, after flipping through the issue, I couldn't help but appreciate Alt's feminine touches. She definitely followed through on her promise to showcase more clothing and less skin. She explains: "It's simple fashion. You can see the clothes perfectly...One boob", instead of two. Lol.

But what I'm even more excited about is Carine Roitfeld's upcoming gig for Barney's New York! The former French Vogue editor-in-chief will be teaming up with Barney's creative director Dennis Freedman and photographer Mario Sorrenti. She will serve as guest editor, stylist and muse for their fall campaign. Also brewing is a short film shot by Sorrenti in Paris and New York. "I am hoping to capture something very personal, a portrait of her in a way" Sorrenti said.

Can't wait to see the fruits of their labor. Stay tuned...campaign launches this September!

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't particularly wowed by the spread either but love Emmanuelle an your blog to pieces!!! <3
