Tuesday, April 12, 2011


sprint'er n. 
a. the season between winter and spring.
b. climate confusion, usually resulting in a wardrobe crisis for the fashionably conscious.

Lately, the weather in NYC has been very unpredictable. Just recently, Mr. Man and I enjoyed a very warm, sunny day in Central Park, only to wake up a few days later to sleet and snow.

Just because Mother Nature's being indecisive doesn't mean you have to be. Here are a few ways to help make it through these fashionably challenging times. So ditch the bulky outerwear and be confused in style.

top to bottom: 1) layering; 2) coupling a sweater with a spring dress; 3) opting for a light yet substantial trench jacket.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ! not only did I use the word"sprinter" in a recent article i wrote for stylecheckupny.com I made a recent post about this.....great post.
